
Helping others

As a robust and successful international company, we are aware of our commitment to the landscape in which we do business and to the society of which we are part. Every year, we finance investments running into billions of crowns as we push forward the development of Czech and Slovak enterprises. In doing so, however, we do not lose sight of individuals who are disabled or otherwise disadvantaged.

Within the Komerční banka group we have teamed up with the KB Foundation, to which we make an annual sizeable donation. Besides other projects, KB Foundation focuses on helping single parents and foster families. Our contribution was therefore distributed among 13 families in difficult life situations through three non-profit organizations - Rozum a cit, Barevný svět dětí and Slunce svítí všem.

Our employees also like to participate in charitable activities. Together we support Derry the puppy in training to become an assistance dog. The training takes place under the supervision of non-profit organization Pomocné tlapky, which passes trained dogs free of charge for long-term use to the disabled, especially those who are completely or partially confined to a wheelchair, but also to blind people, patients with seizure disorders and people with combined diseases. This initiative has received a great response among our staff. We record the kilometres walked and convert them into crowns, we meet at charity breakfasts and put company e-bikes up for auction. 

We also joined Societe Generale Move for Youth Challenge, in which 25 250 employees in 56 countries walked almost 3 million kilometres. Societe Generale is donating a total of 1 million EUR to support the projects of 60 charities around the world. In the Czech Republic, Czech organisation Centrum LOCIKA received 19 000 EUR.

These activities are another step in fulfilling our mission to help people overcome their health and social disadvantages and develop civil society. We are happy to provide support to those who need it most.